Foto de Artist Nicolás Vargas Perú

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Plastic artist, graduated in the National Fine Arts School in Perú. He is a young artist who makes use of his peculiar style to gain some room in the realm of paiting. In his work, there come together some elements that, on the things in order again; some forms getting away from the core of the canvas, some others going towards it. In some of his works, the beholder can distinguish a place chosen on purpose where...

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0.43 x 0.59 in
0.71 x 0.59 in
0.55 x 0.67 in
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Plastic artist, graduated in the National Fine Arts School in Perú. He is a young artist who makes use of his peculiar style to gain some room in the realm of paiting. In his work, there come together some elements that, on the things in order again; some forms getting away from the core of the canvas, some others going towards it. In some of his works, the beholder can distinguish a place chosen on purpose where convuluted forms become the main character; certainly they make up a poetic subjetive, and sometimes desperate idyll.

In other painting, there seem to be those chaotic and primeval paths pointed out by Pollack wherein randomness meets nothingness. These experiential and organic forms reproduce sort of multiverse that leads us to have a vision of a pugnacious and cosmopolitan world, which is precisely the one setting the tempo at current art. Into the chaos, Nicholas creates landings wherre to breathe and where to appreciate composition outstripping improvisation, here, color trakes on a crucial role since his blueish-grays, his yellowish-ochres, or his whitish-oranges denote a flamboyant expressivity that leads us to his artistic domain.

His eagerness to become leading character in the realm of paiting and his perseverance to achieve it will surely lead him to gradually polish up his style which is already remarkable. We are sure he will make do with it because of his splendid creativity and, in turn, bizarre personality.

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